- Kiss your honey. Yes, you probably do it all the time, but do it again! Not only does it release happy hormones for the both of you, but it can also boost your self- esteem!
This image is courtesy of tiverylucky/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
2. Hug it out. Did you know that hugging strengthens your immune system?
3. Jump in and do something new that you've been wanting to do with your partner. If you've been together for a few years, sometimes its great to liven things up a bit. Like your "dating" for the first time again.
This image is courtesy of Savit Keawtavee/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
With a toddler roaming around the house its hard to remember to do these things sometimes and get lost in "Mommy land" of things I needed to do I started to remember how much fun my relationship with my honey was in the beginning, and have been reading up on some blogs on how I could reignite that spark again. So I've started a "Date night ideas" list in my phone that I will begin to execute and blog about in the near future.
If your like me and sometimes forget the value behind the parents who work so hard to raise a child and forget to foster their relationship sometimes. Try these three things out, and I'll keep you posted on future endevours I've already found in Vancouver to do for dates- fun stuff, romantic stuff. Stick around to see how those ideas come to fruition.
Great ideas!
Thanks Cindi!
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